What is it with me and eggs? Long after the nation had forgotten about the Bake Off and my missing custard, eggs continue to cause me problems. Most recently, demoing at the Big Cake Show, I was ably assisted on stage by the lovely Glenn Cosby, who separated three eggs for me and whisked the whites to peak perfection. I cracked on with the rest of the ingredients, twittering away as I spooned the cake batter into the prepared tins. At this point, an observant audience member shouted out, "egg whites!" Yes, true to form, I'd neglected to fold them into the mix. With a calm, slick professionalism rarely seen since Laurel and Hardy, we scraped the mixture out of the tins and tried again. It's not the first time. At a show in Liverpool, I popped a chocolate and ginger bread and butter pudding into the oven and proceeded to whisk eggs for a demo of gluten-free French toast. As I did, a feeling of downfall descended... the pudding in the oven should have had eggs in it too! Explaining my plight to the audience, I realised that their view of a good demo may not be the same as mine. Success is secondary - for sheer entertainment, they like to see me with egg on my face.
Demoing with fab friends, Christine Wallace (who kindly provided the photo) and Glenn Cosby